The monthly club meeting for July will be held at the track on 7/10/22.
May 16
Kart Show at Chicago Sams-Cromwell
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
Come out and meet the drivers from the Nutmeg Kart Club at Chicago Sams in Cromwell on 5/22. Event runs from 1PM – 5PM. Karts will be on display, and drivers will be signing autographs. If you’re interested in getting started in karting, no matter your age, stop by and talk with some of our members. Grab some food while you’re there. You can also sit in a real race kart!! Great event to bring your kids, as many of our JR drivers will be there. Info can be found on facebook on the Facebook Event Page
Feb 01
2022 Membership
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
2022 Membership Forms
2022 Memberships are now due. Please send your forms in by 2/8/22. Forms are available under the “Forms” tab. There will be a $25 late fee for 2021 members if not received by the due date. There will be no late fee for new members. Please mail forms and payment to:
Nutmeg Kart Club
PO Box 197
East Berlin, CT 06023
Aug 30
Dave Tracy Memorial “Ironman 52”
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
The Nutmeg Kart Club will be having a Memorial Race for Dave Tracy during our annual Plainville Reunion day. The “Ironman 52” will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at the Berlin Fairgrounds (430 Beckley Rd, East Berlin, CT). Pre-registration is required, and all entry forms must be received by 9/11/21. Entry fee is $50 and includes 2 pit passes, and an event T-Shirt for the driver.
Rules: When not listed below, rules will follow the Nutmeg Kart Club rules.
Age: The race is open to all NKC members and former members in good standing, 15 years of age and older. Non-Member racers in good standing who have raced at Nutmeg in the past may also register.
Entry Fee: Entry fee for this event is $50, which will include 2 pit passes, driver and one additional person. Pre-Registration is required. Maximum number of karts allowed entry will be limited to 30. Each driver will also receive an event T-Shirt.
Kart Specifications: Any type flat kart, Clone engine, 350LBS, Animal engine, 375LBS. No restrictor plate. Club fuel will be used for the feature. Karts will come to the grid for the feature with an empty fuel tank.
Tires: Vega yellow or Vega white tires only. All 4 tires must be of the same compound. No mixing yellow and white. One set of tires will be used for the entire event, and will be marked prior to qualifying.
Practice: Each kart will receive 6 practice laps before qualifying.
Qualifying: Individual time trials will be run. Each kart will run 2 laps. Chips will be drawn to establish qualifying order.
If there are less than 18 karts registered, the top 14 karts from time trials will move to the feature.
If there are 18-26 karts registered, the 12 karts with the best time will transfer to the feature. The remaining karts will be entered into a 15 lap “B” Main race. The top 2 finishers in the “B” Main will transfer to the feature.
If there are 27-30 karts registered, the 12 karts with the best time will transfer to the feature. The remaining karts will be divided into two 15 lap “B” Main races. The winners of each “B” Main will transfer to the feature.
Feature: Feature race will be 52 laps. 14 kart maximum. Starting order will be based on qualifying times. Those qualifying from a “B” Main will start the feature in position 13 and 14.
Tech: At the conclusion of the feature, the top 5 karts will be held in the tech area. The top 3 karts will be teched. If any of the top 3 fail, tech will continue to the 4th, then 5th place kart if needed.
1st Place – $500
2nd Place – $300
3rd Place – $200
4th – 14th Place – $25
Trophies will be awarded for the top 14.
At the end of the race, the winner will pull a chip numbered 1-14. The kart that was in that position on lap 26 will receive a set of Vega tires.
May 18
Rule Change Proposal
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
Apr 12
April Club Meeting
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
Agenda for the April 2021 Club Meeting. Meeting will be held on Zoom. This is the last club meeting before we start racing. Important information to be discussed. All club members will receive the meeting notice by email. If you aren’t a club member, and interested in finding out more about the Nutmeg Kart Club, please fill out the contact form below.
Comments or questions are welcome.
Apr 09
2021 Membership Forms for the Work Party!
- Filed under Club Announcements and Important Messages
If you haven’t sent in your 2021 Membership Form yet, please get it in before the first practice on 4/18/21. We are trying to minimize the time spent in the sign in line. Forms can be downloaded and handed in at either work party this weekend, 4/10-4/11. Reminder that all members need to have 4 hours work party participation in order to practice on 4/18.
Mar 30
Work Party! April 3 2021
- Filed under administration, Club Announcements and Important Messages