Nutmeg Kart Club Officers

    2024 Officers


President:  Scott Coggins

Vice President:  Paul Varricchio

Treasurer:  Pat O’Rourke

Secretary:  Cassie Rocco

Track Steward:  Anthony Autunno

Pit Steward:    Open

Property Steward:    Gary Bienkowski

     Contact Us:

Comments or questions are welcome.

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Nutmeg Kart ClubBoard Of Directors                    Scott Coggins President Paul Varricchio Vice President   Cassie Rocco Secretary Pat O’RourkeTreasurer   Anthony Autunno Track Steward Open Pit Steward Gary Bienkowski Property Steward

Committee List

2024 COMMITTEE LIST Full page and download link: NKC 2024 Committee List

Contact Us

Send Us A Message   Mailing Address: NUTMEG KART CLUB INC. PO Box 197 East Berlin, CT 06023-0197